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Frequently asked questions

How are we different?

Yalla Slovenia is focusing on smaller groups (4 – 6 people), so it can provide private but ultimate experience of group traveling. We will be taking care of you from your arrival to your departure.

Where is the closest airport?

Ljubljana airport is only 30 min from the city centre. The next closest airport is Klagenfurt (Austria) which is 2 hours away from the city centre. Trieste (Italy), Zagreb (Croatia) or Graz (Austria) airports are approximately 3 hrs away.

Is the flight ticket included?

For logistic purposes, we do not offer tickets reservations.

Are there any age restrictions?

For the majority of our trips the minimum age is 15. An adult must accompany all children under the age of 18. Younger children can join us on our trip, but won’t be able to participate in all the activities planned due to age/height/weight restrictions. Most of our trips don’t have a maximum age limit, but a Self-Assessment Form is required for all passengers 70 years and over.

Can I make any changes to the itinerary?

Please make sure you are happy with your group trip itinerary before booking because we are unable to change them for individual travellers. However, if you and a group of friends or colleagues would like your own personally designed itinerary, get in contact with us.

What kind of transport/accommodation are we getting?

Your guide will be waiting for you at the arrival gates to take you with a private shuttle to the hotel and will stay with you throughout the trip. The shuttle back to the airport is included.
You will be staying in 4*/5* hotel, depending on your preference and availability of the hotel.

Are there any luggage limitations?

On most Yalla Slovenia trips you will be required to carry your own luggage, sometimes up stairs and on and off transport. We therefore recommend you to travel lightly, and have a backpack with you. Nevertheless, our tour guides will always be there to help out wherever they can.

What happens in case of bad weather?

We reserve the right to change the activities due to unpredictable weather.

How can I cancel the trip?

To cancel the trip we kindly ask you to send an email to Only cancellation requests sent to email will be processed. See our cancellation policy here

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